As a part of the Frankfurt Food Council, we investigate issues relating to the establishment, and more specifically, to the strengthening, of regional value chains, with the goal of connecting various interest groups involved in the production, processing, and marketing of food (especially organic) in the greater Frankfurt area (or in the metropolitan region of Rhine-Main).
We strive for an area-wide availability of regionally produced and processed (organic) food in the Rhine-Main metropolitan region! (At any time) residents of the city should have the opportunity to purchase (organic) food from Frankfurt and the surrounding area.
Challenges and Purpose of the Working Group
Although there are some organic producers around Frankfurt, their products are limited to market niches in the city. As a result, it is challenging for many people in Frankfurt to buy (organic) food produced in the region. This is our starting point. Our goal is to establish, as well as strengthen, existing commercial pathways for (organic) food in Frankfurt and between the city and its surrounding area. Often there is limited access to beneficial contacts or helpful information. Generally, there is also a lack of practical opportunities for testing any new marketing ideas or even just finding people to discuss any related issues. We want to help with these challenges.
Who can take part? Everyone of course!
Depending on the background of those involved in the working group, motivations for participation may differ. On the producer side, the interest in financial success would be a priority. On the consumer side, the predominant desire is for a wide range of sustainably and locally grown (organic) foods, as well as for personal contact with the producers.
Active members of the working groups get involved according to their availability, background knowledge, and contacts/networks. There are no minimum requirements for participation in the working groups. Everyone can contribute their ideas and also set up new working groups. There are no specifications for the type of work, timeline, or project completion date. All are welcome!
In order to become an even more effective working group, we are looking for fellow members who have the time and desire to set up their own groups or want to participate in the working groups we have already established.
Updates on working groups are communicated regularly.
Interessierte, die sich gerne in den Arbeitskreis einbringen wollen, sind herzlich willkommen. Nehmt einfach Kontakt zu den Ansprechpartnerinnen für den Arbeitskreis auf:
- Susanne von Münchhausen – (in den Monaten Januar-März / Juli-September)
- Anna-Mara Schön – (in den Monaten April-Juni / Oktober-Dezember).
Marktschwärmerei Frankfurt
Es ist soweit – auch Frankfurt soll bald eine Marktschwärmerei bekommen. Die Standortsuche läuft, und bis zum Start gilt: Spread the word! An Direktvermarktung interessierte Erzeuger:innen melden sich gerne direkt bei den Frankfurter Marktschwärmern.
Ansprechpartnerinnen: Katrin und Patricia –